Chapter 6: Strategic Males
S2 abbrev. S(imple) and S(tupid); one way to describe the operational strategy of the male in the heterosexual hook-up and dating world; addresses his seemingly simple and focused approach while simultaneously showing how stupid many can end up being
rotation contains the individuals one is currently having sex with, and yet recognizes how after being cut-off, others one is sexually interested will need to jump into the lineup; there are those who one has already closed with and continues to do so, and then there are those who either might join for the first time, or jump back in after a leave of absence; hopefully many of whom one has firmly established a friendship foundation
DIS I clinical name for D(ictator) I(mpotency) S(yndrome); a masculine male’s recognition how with the advent of the modern-day female, the male is no longer measuring potential partners against his mother, since very few of them even remotely resemble what his mother and grandmothers were; instead he is becoming mother-like; a modern day twist on the traditional Mama’s Boy Syndrome
Yesterday’s male one who is distinguished by the following traits in relation to Today’s male: provider, family man, business man, well groomed, reliable, resourceful, physically strong, emotionally restricted, clearly defined gender-appropriate behavior, and superior
Today’s male one who is distinguished by the following traits in relation to Yesterday’s male: contributor, acting mom, business person, manicured and manscaped, fun, makes money to spend money, physically attractive, emotionally reliant, gender-ambiguous behavior, i.e., cooks, cleans, cries, etc., and equivalent
male player one who possesses and elects to execute his ability to sexually engage multiple females in a calendar year through his charm, money and power use
Dog Male one of two positions a male player can take; the capacity to go out-of-bounds regularly while using at the bare minimum the power of charm to persuade targeted females into having sex; a master of deception about his intentions, while often openly demanding, and expecting honestly monogamous behavior from his multiple female partners even though he goes about his life in an undercover dishonestly monogamous way
non-dog male one of two positions a male player can take; the capacity to stick with a brutal honesty approach regarding his intentions before, during and after sex with a female
male manager one who possesses the ability to desexualize himself in public after he has hooked up with a female partner, at all times she is not present, throughout an entire calendar year; managing oneself modestly while without one’s partner by refraining from using one’s charm, money and/or power on other females one is attracted to sexually
selective morality the character of being in accord with the principles or standards of right conduct; right conduct; sometimes, specif., virtue in sexual conduct, between oneself and the person one is having sex with, independent of that other person being brutally honest with whom they are having sex
managed competition points in time which lead to other females paying more attention and essentially being drawn to the male or male group hanging out with attractive and fun females while sharing their company time in public