Chapter 5: Company Time Components
cycle continuum one of four critical components identified within the hook-up and dating world; the often very predictable cycle that individuals can find themselves going through over and over again starting with one’s people pools, then first-night stands, with some rolling into speak-daily partnerships, followed eventually by a partnership contract termination short of cohabitation; a hook-up and dating lifetime series whose parts eventually blur together and can no longer be separately discerned
lucky seven venues one of four critical components identified within the hook-up and dating world; acknowledges the various venues human beings can first meet each other and/or initiate a new sexual partnership; human habitats; human playpens; human animations; human preserves; human corrals; human zoos; human jungles
social lubricants one of four critical components identified within the hook-up and dating world; acknowledges how alcohol and music consumption and the associated outcomes of intoxication and contact dancing, respectively, can lead to human beings hooking up and possibly dating longer term
intimacy tools the first part of one of four critical components identified within the hook-up and dating world; in the heterosexual version, acknowledges how money and makeup enable males and females, respectively, to enhance their sexual appeal to the other
intimacy weapons the second part of one of four components identified within the hook-up and dating world; in the heterosexual version, acknowledges how power, including the power of charm, and the possession of a vagina are ultimately what engages the opposite sex for a sexual encounter; often leads to adding another to one’s lifetime sex partner count
people pools the first of four steps identified within the cycle continuum component of the hook-up and dating world; the accumulation of opposite-sex people from their past which one can reach out to, or who can reach out to them, and those one actually sees on a regular basis; the former creating an individual’s historical people pool; the latter creating an individual’s current people pool
first-night stand the second of four steps identified within the cycle continuum component of the hook-up and dating world; encompasses a first time sex act, after which the two people: never speak again; speak but never see each other again; see each other again but never have sex, or end up having sex again
speak-daily partnership the third of four steps identified within the cycle continuum component of the hook-up and dating world; when a first night stand moves beyond just a few sex acts to speaking daily or near daily; typically broken down between the first six weeks, the second six weeks, the next three months, and then six months and beyond, wherein certain things start happening or stop, assuming the partners make it that far
contract termination the fourth of four steps identified within the cycle continuum component of the hook-up and dating world; a particular partnership ending short of any formal cohabitation
contact call any means enabling a person to contact another; basics include phone calls, text messages, IMing, e-mail, and social networking communications; also includes information which provides for stopping by where one works or regularly socializes; contact call info therefore includes one’s phone numbers, e-mail addresses, social network accounts, and/or places of employment and socializing
historical people pool the accumulation of opposite-sex people from one’s past which one can reach out to, or who can reach out to them; people from high school, college, former jobs, gyms and neighborhoods, as well as past vacations or group summer houses; even if a person has lost track of someone, the power of Internet search engines and the breadth of social networking websites make it easy to locate them
current people pool those one actually sees on a regular basis, both known and not-yet-known opposite-sex people; a school or workplace, and/or the bars, restaurants, and other public social scenes a person regularly frequents; for those who maintain themselves, a co-ed gym or spa; any regular commuting schedule that utilizes mass transit
life parameters a person’s respective living arrangement, school/work location and weekly schedule including commutes, hobbies and family commitments, which naturally adjust over time; considered especially important between two people who have formed a sexual partnership which is operating on a longer-term speak-daily basis
backdoor account someone who is just one contact call away from an in-person get together and a possible sexual encounter
human habitats one of the (getting) lucky seven venues where human beings first meet and then possibly proceed to initiate an eventual sexual encounter; consists of neighborhood environments, especially townhouse and apartment complexes, which enable human beings to meet others without venturing far from their own nest
human playpens one of the (getting) lucky seven venues where human beings first meet and then possibly proceed to initiate an eventual sexual encounter; consists of interactive environments, such as school and group hobby participation; generalized by its concentrated and somewhat self-contained settings, especially if living on campus; also includes shopping excursions, whether within one large store, or many stores housed in a mall; parks, including the beach, or those with amusement rides, where people hang out for any extended amount of time
human animations one of the (getting) lucky seven venues where human beings first meet and then possibly proceed to initiate an eventual sexual encounter; unlike physical venues, this virtual domain allows one to stay connected to others through the Internet 24/7; traditional online dating and matchmaking services substantiate such encounters often turning explicitly sexual in nature; while short of actually touching or smelling someone, visuals via modern webcams potentially go much further than other venues especially with zoom-enabling options; 3-D online digital cartoon worlds such as Second Life and doctored up photos on social websites allow for some to span greater gaps in physical ranks
human preserves one of the (getting) lucky seven venues where human beings first meet and then possibly proceed to initiate an eventual sexual encounter; consists of the many co-ed gyms, spas and resorts where physical fitness and sexual attraction is viewed very positively, where fitness and longevity are the focus
human corrals one of the (getting) lucky seven venues where human beings first meet and then possibly proceed to initiate an eventual sexual encounter; regular commuting or occasional travel involving buses, trains, planes, and ferries, or any other form of public transportation where dozens or even hundreds of random people cross paths; instances of captive audiences, often one-on-one, while sitting next to or across from others for extended periods of travel
human zoos one of the (getting) lucky seven venues where human beings first meet and then possibly proceed to initiate an eventual sexual encounter; the workplace, whether for pay or volunteerism, can bring people together for more time in a given calendar month than any other lucky seven venue; despite guidelines and restrictions, many go on to hook-up with bosses, co-workers, supply vendors, customers, etc.
human jungles one of the (getting) lucky seven venues where human beings first meet and then possibly proceed to initiate an eventual sexual encounter, or if already known, execute an immediate sexual encounter; the ultimate lucky seven venue in which alcohol and music are served usually in abundance; ranges from private parties at a house, apartment or hotel room to partying at business establishments such as restaurants, bars, nightclubs and lounges; meeting and hooking up can happen instantaneously
LAIR map acronym L(ubricant), A(ctivity), I(mpact) and R(esult) map; the social lubricants alcohol and music lead the human being genders down parallel paths: alcohol -> consumption -> intoxication -> sex pursuits; music -> dancing -> sexuality displays -> sex attractions
restaurant one of four primary human jungle venue public options for partying; distinctions in terms of social lubricants include lighter levels of alcohol consumption along with lighter levels of dancing
bar one of four primary human jungle venue public options for partying; distinctions in terms of social lubricants include heavier levels of alcohol consumption along with typically lighter levels of dancing
nightclub one of four primary human jungle venue public options for partying; distinctions in terms of social lubricants include lighter levels of alcohol consumption along with typically heavier levels of dancing
lounge one of four primary human jungle venue public options for partying; distinctions in terms of social lubricants include heavier levels of alcohol consumption along with heavier levels of dancing; recognized as the most dangerous form of human jungle terrain
bombed drinking the top level of binge drinking, where there are no explicitly defined, scientific measurements for just how much drinking a person takes part in, both number of drinks per hour, and number of consecutive hours
DWI D(rinking) W(hile) I(ntoxicated) or D(ancing) W(hile) I(ntoxicated); legal alcohol and music consumption situations for sexually available people while present in the human jungles
DWM D(rinking) W(hile) M(onogamous) or D(ancing) W(hile) M(onogamous); illegal alcohol and music consumption situations for sexually unavailable people while present in the human jungles and without one’s partner
bottle service a feature of many upscale bars, nightclubs and lounges where patrons may purchase entire bottles of liquor for their personal consumption; typically includes a reserved table for the patron’s party and mixers of the patron’s choice; bottle service can include the services of a VIP host, who will ensure that patrons have sufficient mixers and will often make drinks using the patrons’ liquor bottle and mixers; the purchase of bottle service sometimes results in cover charges being waived for the purchaser’s party, and often allows patrons to bypass entrance lines; cost of a bottle is usually extremely marked up, often by 2000% or more (21x), and can comprise a significant portion of an establishment’s revenue
intimacy equation a four variable approach to summarizing how a male and female engage each other for their company time and possibly sex; money + power = makeup + vagina
gentle-person one of four formally recognized forms of paying within the hook-up and dating world; a practice in which a person almost always pays their fair share and does not mind paying the entire tab occasionally
generous person one of four formally recognized forms of paying within the hook-up and dating world; a practice in which a person pays the entire tab more often than having it picked up by someone else
guided person one of four formally recognized forms of paying within the hook-up and dating world; a practice in which a person not only pays the entire tab more often than having it picked up by someone else, they pay for others’ life maintenance expenses as well
gluttonized person one of four formally recognized forms of paying within the hook-up and dating world; a practice in which a person not only pays the entire tab more often than having it picked up by someone else, they pay for others’ life maintenance expenses as well, after which they claim ownership rights to their bodies and sex
breadwinner a working person whose earnings support his or her dependents
breadwiener a working person whose earnings support his or her ego, by insisting on paying for opposite-sex people with whom he/she wants to have company time or sex; particularly associated with a person who owns a sausage of beef enclosed in a membranous casing and made in cylindrical links a few inches long
breadwhiner a working person whose earnings support his or her independent self, but who still complains in a childishly undignified way, as with a whine when his/her food, beverage, entertainment or travel expenses are not fully subsidized by others’ bread
total equality equations mathematical representation of how males and females first attract each other, and upon hooking up, how they subsequently act while apart; Victor’s seduction = Vicky’s seduction; Victor’s seduction ? Vicky’s secret; Victor’s sacrifice ? Vicky’s seduction; Victor’s sacrifice = Vicky’s secret
Victor’s seduction one of four variables making up the total equality equations; use of one’s own mix of charm, money and power to seduce another sexually; primarily masculine in nature
Vicky’s seduction one of four variables making up the total equality equations; use of one’s own mix of a made-up body and the ideal of a sex act to seduce another sexually; primarily feminine in nature
Victor’s sacrifice one of four variables making up the total equality equations; the suspension of one’s own mix of charm, money and power use to seduce a third party sexually once dating someone, and they are not present; primarily masculine in nature
Vicky’s secret one of four variables making up the total equality equations; the suspension of one’s own mix of a made-up body and the ideal of a sex act to seduce a third party sexually once dating someone, and they are not present; primarily feminine in nature
monkey bar system an arrangement of past, current and future sex partners erected as in the heterosexual mating process, for people to climb on, swing from, etc. to a better partnership deal